

Palladium improves the lives of the world’s citizens by ensuring that state institutions promote inclusive development, are more responsive and accountable to the people they serve, and have the capacity to deliver essential services – from health and education to security and job creation. We empower citizens to hold government to account for better service delivery and protecting their rights. We believe that political dynamics shape development impact more than any other factor, and we have pioneered innovative approaches to ensure that governance reform initiatives are informed by realities on the ground.

Our Solutions
  • Government and Public Sector Reform
  • Empowerment and Accountability
  • Anti-Corruption and Transparency
  • Applied Political Economy Analysis
  • Governance Integration and Service Delivery
  • Democratic Governance
  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Palladium strengthens national and sub-national government institutions to deliver better public services to citizens in an inclusive and accountable manner.

Our work includes:

  • improving the policy and regulatory environment;
  • public financial management;
  • strengthening administrative systems; and
  • promoting transparent and accountable governance processes and capacity, including taking social services closer to the people

We help create fairer societies by working with governments to engage with and support marginalised groups, including the very poor, orphans, vulnerable children, the elderly, minorities, and the disabled.