Employment Services

Employment Services

At Palladium we work with the private sector and local governments to tackle complex labor market challenges by enabling people to sustain meaningful work that enhances their skillset and pays a fair wage. We design and deliver innovative employment programs that help participants build the skills and confidence needed to get on in life and work.

Together with our delivery partners, employers, and local communities, we deliver lasting impact. We empower more people to work and live a better life. We enable employers to get the talent they need and improve their productivity and performance.

Our Solutions
  • Employment Services
  • Job Creation and Workforce Development
  • Change Management, Reform, and Renewal

Our collective experience and insight—across different governments, local communities, cohorts and labor market conditions—informs and shapes our approach to employment services. Our approach is to work in partnership with delivery organizations ranging from large multinational corporations to local citizen groups. These relationships inform our programs, ensuring that we combine the best local solutions with our expertise in international best practices. Today, Palladium brings specialist expertise and experience in:

  • Enabling employers in industries experiencing recruitment challenges to find and secure personnel with the right skills and attitudes

  • Supporting employers to re-design their employment policies and workforce development strategies that enables employers to attract and retain more talent

  • Adapting quickly to changes in employer demand to ensure that our support services continue to deliver successful employment outcomes regardless of fluctuations in the labor market

  • Working with employers to deliver targeted outreach to help participants stay in work, gain new vocational qualifications and progress in their careers – not only helping the individual, but improving employer productivity and performance

  • Working with groups that need specialist support to find and sustain employment, including people who are long-term unemployed.

    • CASE STUDY: In the UK, we deliver the government’s flagship employment program to support long-term unemployed people, Restart, supporting 1,863 citizens secure sustainable work in the UK.