Global Health Security

Global Health Security

We focus on the need to create integrated, resilient, sustainable health systems that are flexible and responsive to emerging economic and health shocks and stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Our teams translate 60 years of real-world experience to strengthen health systems, working with U.S. states and countries around the globe. Palladium collaborates with local government and community leaders; the private sector; the health workforce; and other key stakeholders, such as faith-based organizations.

Palladium also recognizes that economic growth, social stability, and quality of life all depend on the well-being of a nation’s citizens. Healthy families and communities invest in themselves and their futures, putting countries on a path to more sustainable development. We design, develop, deploy, and sustain health interventions that improve health and overall well-being while delivering more value at a reduced overall cost. For example, in India we helped pioneer a social impact bond that attracted private investors to fund health care services. This mechanism improved efficiency and minimized the government’s investment risk.

Our health expertise covers a range of technical areas, including primary health care; maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health; high-burden infectious diseases, including HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and malaria; chronic diseases; nutrition; and water, sanitation, and hygiene. We consider all these areas through a holistic prism that puts individuals at the center of care.

Our Solutions
  • Primary Health Care
  • Health Systems and Service Delivery
  • Health Policy, Financing, and Governance
  • Integrated Health Security
  • Localization, Capacity Strengthening, and Sustainability
  • Information Systems and Data Management

Palladium supports the whole health system. Using a primary health care lens, we address issues ranging from health management and governance to the policies that govern quality service delivery. We increase efficiency and resource allocation, advance data-informed decision-making, and strengthen capacity from the national level to community clinics. These measures improve service delivery, financial management, and leadership.