Palladium supports the whole health system. Using a primary health care lens, we address issues ranging from health management and governance to the policies that govern quality service delivery. We increase efficiency and resource allocation, advance data-informed decision-making, and strengthen capacity from the national level to community clinics. These measures improve service delivery, financial management, and leadership.
Palladium has decades of experience shaping policies and budgets and using data-driven approaches to ensure effective health programs. We improve health care providers' skills and management capacity in areas ranging from maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health to COVID-19 and water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges. By supporting effective logistics management systems, Palladium ensures timely delivery of medical products and technology. We also design health information systems and promote accountability and responsiveness. Critically, we strengthen agencies’ ability to put in place health insurance schemes that expand coverage and protect families from financial risk.
Palladium fosters locally led, evidence-based policies. We deploy context-specific analytical models, tools, and data to identify priority needs and promote best practices. We also strengthen government stewardship and empower leaders at all levels, from global to local, to use evidence for decision-making. Catalyzing health financing reform is a critical aspect of our work. As universal access to primary health care becomes more important, Palladium is supporting the reallocation of resources to ensure funds are used efficiently. Through strategic partnerships, we tap into private sector investments that help countries achieve universal health coverage.
Palladium believes integrated health security is the next step in global health security. Preventing, detecting, and responding to emerging infectious disease threats means taking a ‘One Health’ approach that recognises the interconnectedness of human and animal health and the environment. Our approach involves sectors beyond health and government, with the private sector contributing meaningfully. We consider economic impacts and livelihoods, and work with countries to coordinate health security with related initiatives like accelerating primary health care and lifelong immunisation.
Palladium’s goal is to ensure partner countries are agents of their own growth and prosperity. Palladium’s local partners lead in design, implementation, and evaluation choices. For decades, our country teams have been strengthening the capacity of local partners—governments, the private sector, and civil society and faith-based organizations—to deliver on local priorities and plans. Building on long-standing, trusted relationships, Palladium fosters improved performance and more resilient local systems. By strengthening public-private partnerships, market systems, and social contracting and by advancing local organizations’ relationships with donors, we seek to localize the delivery of development solutions.
Palladium provides customized, easy-to-use information systems and data management solutions to drive informed decision-making. We design and deliver technology solutions to help health care providers collect and use data to improve outcomes. We develop innovative forecasting tools that analyze economic and epidemiologic data. Palladium designs powerful but easy-to-use software and applications to help decision-makers, public health professionals, the private sector, and health advocates better understand the impact of policy, epidemiology, and budget priorities. Many of our solutions and tools are designed for use in resource-constrained countries with under-developed infrastructure, including rural areas with intermittent electricity.